Pip, Dad, Nono...

Created by Dean 5 months ago
You came from humble beginnings and used the lessons that your early life taught you as the grit and determination to succeed on your path. 
Choosing a career in the army that utilised your incredible physical and inner strength, commitment and determination, this also saw to it that the stars would align and you would meet Tish, the love of your life and the perfect ying to your yang. 
Two children would follow, Tanya and Dean, and the sacrifices you would make, protection you would provide and utter dedication to being a true family man would give us everything we needed to feel supported, secure and loved.
Your second career at Warwick School as CCF School Staff Instructor, School Marshall and later as Junior School Car Park Marshall, would see a continuation of the respect you earn and deserved whilst in the army. Your firm, fair and friendly approach always served you well.
In 2024 we received the crushing news that you had terminal cancer, but even then you put considerations for your family before your own.
Your family, having received decades of your unwavering love and devotion, your wisdom and your desire to help in any way you can, is now left with a dark and empty void that we will endeavour to fill, in part, with the many, many happy memories we have of you.
You will always be our hero, a legend, and loved and missed beyond words. RIP Pip, Dad, Nono. XX